I started learning to do nails back in June 2010 and I'm finally read to take my practical and written tests. I thought I had the basics learned until this morning when my dear coworker, Emily, helped me understand the fundamentals of using the electric file. I had always been a little hesitant of the electric file and was fearful of burning clients, so I would use short motions and light pressure. This morning, Emily provided me with a new bit for my file and explained about longer strokes with medium pressure. Presto!! Shauna's maroon nails were quickly disappearing with the clear base shining through!
Shauna likes wearing her nails short and laying out a fade allows for more color on her nails. We tried smile lines in the past and they looked great, but the color was really short. Shauna wanted various shades of pink and something fun for Valentines. I laid out a light pink on the free edge with a fade of darker pink and glitter. I used some impression tools and imprinted white pearl hearts and triangles.
"If Hallmark produced nails this is how they would look"

Here's a picture with the overhead light off.

This is with the lights on.
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